Sessions is for everyone who provides their expertise to others. We love to work with personal trainers, teachers, tutors, therapists and life coaches.But if you’re none of these, and you think sessions would be useful to you, let us know!
If you sell packages of session up front, keep track of how many you’ve sold and to who!
Ensure you always know how many session you have left with a client, by tracking sessions they’ve attended.
Be transparent with your client and provide them with notificaitons when the balance changes, and even encorage them to buy more with reminders of low balances.
If you provide sessions and accept payment later, keep track of whose paid to ensure you always get paid.
See all your customers in one place, and stats about them.
We want to include the community to find the fairest way to price Sessions, let us know you’re interested in being part of the decision.